
1//! See what can go wrong when creating graphical backends.
3/// An error that occurred while creating an application's graphical context.
4#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)]
5pub enum Error {
6    /// The requested backend version is not supported.
7    #[error("the requested backend version is not supported")]
8    VersionNotSupported,
10    /// Failed to find any pixel format that matches the criteria.
11    #[error("failed to find any pixel format that matches the criteria")]
12    NoAvailablePixelFormat,
14    /// A suitable graphics adapter or device could not be found.
15    #[error("a suitable graphics adapter or device could not be found")]
16    GraphicsAdapterNotFound {
17        /// The name of the backend where the error happened
18        backend: &'static str,
19        /// The reason why this backend could not be used
20        reason: Reason,
21    },
23    /// An error occurred in the context's internal backend
24    #[error("an error occurred in the context's internal backend")]
25    BackendError(String),
27    /// Multiple errors occurred
28    #[error("multiple errors occurred: {0:?}")]
29    List(Vec<Self>),
32/// The reason why a graphics adapter could not be found
33#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
34pub enum Reason {
35    /// The backend did not match the preference
36    DidNotMatch {
37        /// The preferred backend
38        preferred_backend: String,
39    },
40    /// The request to create the backend failed
41    RequestFailed(String),